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Transfers in to Carmel Unified

Carmel Unified only accepts inter-district transfers as stated in Board Policy 5117. If you wish to apply, contact your district of residency for an Interdistrict Transfer Application/Agreement form. The transfer request must be approved by your district of residence before submission to CUSD.


Transfers out of Carmel Unified

Please visit our District Office to complete an Interdistrict Transfer Request. The form requires parent contact information, basic information about your child, which district you are requesting, and your reason for applying. The form must be submitted to the Student Services Department for approval or denial.


From One School to Another Within Carmel Unified

Applications for intra-district transfers shall be submitted between January 1st and May 15th of the school year preceding the school year for which the transfer is requested. Completed forms must be submitted to the District for approval or denial. You may be required to submit proof of residency.

Transfers between Carmel High and Carmel Valley High

Please contact the registrar at Carmel High and Carmel Valley High to inform them of your desire to transfer your child. You will be required to resubmit proof of residency.






  • Cassandra Ziskind, Ed.D.

    Director II
    Student Services 
    Ph:  831-624-1546 x 2081

    Fx:  831-620-1052


    Tina Gerow
    Administrative Assistant II 
    Director II - Student Services 

    Ph: 831-624-1546 x2081
    Fax: 831-620-1052