At Carmel Unified School District we believe preventing substance abuse takes a global approach that involves prevention, education and social-emotional support.
Please read below to participate in one of our most effective and highly utilized prevention tools:
To sign your 7th-12th grader up for Voluntary Random Drug Testing, use the VRDT form and policy / en español.
What is the Voluntary Random Drug Testing (VRDT) program?
- It is an agreement between student and parent.
- VRDT is a reason for students to say no to drugs and alcohol.
- The testing is district-funded and performed by a private, confidential drug testing company which tests students at school and reports the results to the parents (not the school or district).
What is the purpose of the program?
- The program is meant to encourage family conversation about drug and alcohol use.
- VRDT gives kids a tool to say "No."
Who participates?
- 7th-12th graders may voluntarily enroll; both the student and their parent must consent.
- During the 2013-2014 school year, over 50% of 8th-12th graders in the district signed up.
How will the tests be done?
- Students are randomly selected by a computer program.
- The student is called out of class to provide a urine sample in a private bathroom.
- The sample is identified by number, not name.
- Students may opt out at any time.
- If a student refuses to take the test, their parent is notified.
Which drugs are tested?
- Alcohol
- Marijuana/THC
- Amphetamines (Speed)
- Barbiturate (Downers)
- Benzodiasepines (Valium)
- Cocaine
- Opiates (Heroin, Codeine)
- PCP/Angel Dust
What happens to the results?
- The parent is mailed a copy.
- Here is an example of what a parent would receive after a negative result.
- Here is an example of what a parent would receive after a positive result.
- Here is an example of what a parent would receive if the sample is unacceptable.
- Here is an example of what a parent would receive if the student does not produce a sample.
- If non-negative, the test is double-checked by a lab.
- If positive, the family is sent a list of outside counseling agencies.
- Results are destroyed after parent notification; there is no permanent record.
- The school and district have no knowledge of individual results. There are no school disciplinary consequences.
Cassandra Ziskind, Ed.D.
Director II
Student Services
Ph: 831-624-1546 x 2081
Fx: 831-620-1052
Tina Gerow
Administrative Assistant II
Director II - Student Services
Ph: 831-624-1546 x2081
Fax: 831-620-1052