Need Help? Resources for Wellness & Social Support
National Suicide Help Line-Online Support -
WeTip (anonymously report incidents of bullying, false residency, fraud, etc.) | (800) 782-7463 |
Suicide Prevention Services of Central California | (877) 663-5433 |
Monterey County Rape Crisis Center | (831) 375-4357 |
24-Hour Runaway and Homeless Youth Helpline | (831) 241-0914 |
CHOMP Crisis Intervention (Drugs/Alcohol) | (831) 624-4623 |
Child Abuse Reporting Hotline | (800) 606-6618 |
Child Health & Disability Prevention Program | (831) 755-4960 |
Food Bank | (831) 758-1523 |
California AIDS Hotline | (800) 367-2437 |
Health & Wellness Resources:
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness, Monterey County Education and Support Programs. List of classes and groups to assist students and families with mental health needs.
Child Health & Disability Prevention Program
Medical and dental health check-ups for those who qualify.
Should I say something.. or is it just a phase?
Advice for parents of teen alcohol/drug users