Special Education
Welcome to the Special Education Department
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our families whose children are provided with specialized support services.
If you are new to our district and need information regarding Special Education services, you may contact the school your student will be attending or contact the Special Education Department at the District Office. Please be prepared to provide us with your student's most recent evaluation(s) and Individual Education Plan (IEP) to help the transition process go smoothly.
Special Education Services include the following:
School Psychologists
Speech/Language Pathologists
Occupational Therapists
Behavior Specialists
Instructional Aides
Parent/Child Rights / Derechos de los padres/niños
MCOE SELPA Procedural Safeguards for Parents and Children with IEPs
Collaboration and partnerships with Monterey County Office of Education Special Education Department and Services (Monterey County SELPA), Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, and Pacific Grove Unified School District.