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Nutrition Services

Welcome to Nutrition Services

Our Mission:

Provide the most nutritious meals for as many students as possible during school days.

Free Meals Available to CUSD Students for the 2024-25 school year!

Free meals will be available again to all enrolled CUSD students for the 2024-25 school year! This includes both breakfast and lunch at Apple Pie, Carmelo, Captain Cooper, River Elementary,  Tularcitos Elementary,  Carmel Middle School, Carmel High and Carmel Valley High. Cachagua Children's Center will receive free breakfast daily. 

There is no paperwork or meal application needed in order for your child to receive free meals; however, families may still and are encouraged to apply for free/reduced priced meals in order to receive additional benefits that can span across the district and community programs. Completion of these applications may bring significant additional funds to our schools, as well as, qualify students for individual benefits such as school bus pass, discounts and/or waivers of the college applications fees, AP testing fees, internet services, P-EBT benefits, discounted rates on your energy bill and more. 

The link to the meal application can be found on the nutrition services website Carmel Unified School District  or return a completed application form (available at all school sites or download pdf document in English here  or Spanish aquí . Applications can be returned directly to your school site or to the Nutrition Services Department at Carmel High School (3600 Ocean Avenue, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA 93923).

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions,call 831-624-1546 ext. 2070 or 2072.

Notice: The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to annually notify households about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.

Any student requiring meal accommodation for food allergies or other special dietary needs will need to complete a Medical Statement. Form CNP - 925  or Formulario Medico CNP-925 .Please send completed forms via email to Alexis Supancic at


Alexis Supancic

Titles: Director 1
Departments: Nutrition Services

Carmen Carrera

Titles: Fiscal Services Program Asst
Departments: Nutrition Services

CHS Kitchen
Ph: (831)624-1821 Ext.2071

CMS Kitchen
Ph: (831)624-2785 Ext.3683