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Ethnic Studies Curriculum Adoption Process

What is Ethnic Studies?

Ethnic Studies is an academic discipline that provides students the opportunity to learn about the histories, cultures, struggles, and contributions of historically marginalized peoples in America. Through this course, students will have the opportunity to deeply explore their own identity alongside the diverse cultures of their peers. Additionally, this course will allow students to learn about local history and contemporary issues.

Legislative Requirements

Assembly Bill 101, signed into law in 2021, states that all high schools in California must offer students a course that fulfills the Ethnic Studies requirement starting in the 2025-26 school year. Students in the graduating class of 2029-30, will be the first class required to complete at least one semester of an approved Ethnic Studies course to meet state graduation requirements. 

Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum

In accordance with Assembly Bill 2016, the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum was created to guide districts in the planning and implementation of Ethnic Studies in their schools. Though the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum provides guidance to school districts, it also encourages them to develop a program that meets the needs of their community. Assembly Bill 101 does not dictate the type of Ethnic Studies course to be taught nor does it require the course to be taught at a specific grade level. The course may be integrated into currently existing courses, into a standalone course, into various disciplines, and at any grade level. As CUSD begins its development of its Ethnic Studies course, we will continue to keep the community informed of the committee’s progress.

Current Progress